IDD Authority Services
Local Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Authority (LIDDA) Services
Authority Services include determining a person’s eligibility for services, enrolling a person into programs, and coordinating ongoing services for a person. Other important responsibilities include placing individuals on the Home and Community-Based Services Interest List, helping students transition from school services to community-based services, and aiding families who request residential services for children and adults.

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Authority Services & Process
Intake and Screening
PermiaCare is the central point of entry for all Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services. This is where the initial screening for eligibility begins and where information is provided about all service options available in PermiaCare, the community and state, as well as certain services that are only funded through the LIDDA.
Eligibility Determination
This assessment determines whether a person has an intellectual or developmental disability, and whether a person is a member of the priority population for developmental disabilities services.
Enrollments into General Revenue, Home and Community Services (HCS), and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) are completed by Authority Services staff. Additionally, staff is responsible for facilitating enrollments into State Supported Living Centers (SSLC) and for providing information about private ICF/IID (Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities) programs, when individuals indicate a preference for these services. When individuals are recommended for enrollment in a Medicaid HCS or ICF/IID program upon discharge from a state hospital, SSLC or nursing facility, Authority Services staff facilitate the transfer and complete the enrollment into the HCS or referral to ICF/IID program chosen by the individual or family.
Service Coordination
This service assists an individual in accessing training, treatment, medical, social, educational and other services and support, which are necessary for the individual to live successfully in a community setting. This service is further defined by the program that the individual participates in and the individual’s place of residence. Service Coordination is provided to participants in Home and Community Based Services Medicaid Waiver program, the Texas Home Living Medicaid program, and General Revenue funded services. Service Coordination is provided to eligible individuals who live in the community (own home, family home, host home or group home), in State Supported Living Centers, and Nursing Facilities.
Community Access: CLOIP, PASRR, and Continuity of Care
Individuals who live in a nursing facility are evaluated to determine their eligibility for specialized IDD Services in the nursing facility, to include habilitation coordination (a specialized type of service coordination) to assist with transition to a community living setting. Individuals who live at a Supported Living Center are provided information and educational opportunities to learn about their options for moving to a community setting. Individuals who leave a nursing facility or state supported living center to reside in the community receive intensive supports to facilitate a successful transition to their new living environment.
Home and Community–Based Care Services (HCS) Interest List
The state has federal authority to limit the number of persons served in the HCS Medicaid Waiver program. The number of requests is greater than the number of available program “slots,” creating an Interest List of persons requesting the HCS Waiver when funds become available. For persons residing in one of PermiaCare’s counties, Authority Services is responsible for the addition of a person to the Interest List and also for contacting each individual on the local HCS Interest List on a biennial basis to ascertain his or her continued interest in HCS services.
Transition Services in Schools
Transition Services assist individuals approaching high school graduation and/or 22 years of age as they move from receiving services through a school district to receiving services in the community. The Service Coordinator (Authority Services) works with school districts to participate in the student’s annual Transition – Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Meetings held at the schools. Information about all service options is shared annually with all school districts, and when requested at the Transition ARD Meetings.
Permanency Planning
Permanency Planning is a philosophy and planning process that focuses on obtaining family support for children and young people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and facilitating permanent living arrangements for them in natural home environments. Authority Services manages the completion of the planning process, documentation and reporting for all individuals under age 22 residing in institutional settings such as an ICF, nursing facility or SSLC in the center’s service area.
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID)
An Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (ICF/IID) program is a community-based residential service option provided in homes with six or fewer individuals. This ICF/IID program provides similar services provided in an HCS residential home. The services include staff available to assist individuals with identified needs, access to medical care, the opportunity to attend Day Habilitation or similar programs, and participation in community activities.
If you choose to access the ICF/IID residential option, you are able to keep your current placement on interest lists for home and community-based waiver services, such as HCS, Texas Home Living, Community Living Assistance and Support Services, and Deaf Blind with Multiple Disabilities programs.
For information about the ICF/IID program, please visit:
Information at the website above allows you to search ICFs/IID homes with vacancies by county, city or zip code. It also lists any special services or areas of expertise.
If you are interested in this residential option, contact us at 844-420-3966. We will assist you in applying for the service. The application process for admission to an ICF/IID involves sharing an individual’s diagnosis and medical and support needs with ICF/IID providers to ensure they have the appropriate services and resources to best meet an individual’s needs.
For more information about services,
call (844) 420-3966.